What To Expect At A Child Support Modification Hearing In Florida? Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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What To Expect At A Child Support Modification Hearing In Florida?


After many divorces involving children, a court orders child support paid from one parent to the other parent. However, either parent’s circumstances may change after an original child support order was put in place.

That is why parents are allowed to request a modification of child support in the event of a substantial change in circumstances. While Florida law allows parents to change child support, the parent requesting a modification may wonder, “What to expect at a child support modification hearing?

The purpose of the modification hearing is to give the judge a chance to decide whether or not the requested modification is warranted. Contact an Orlando child support lawyer Rania Arwani to help you prepare for your modification hearing.

Attending a Child Support Modification Hearing in Florida

A child support modification hearing is an essential part of the modification process in Florida. That is why the parent requesting a modification must attend the hearing and present their arguments in front of a judge to convince them to change the existing child support order.

When one of the parents experiences a substantial change in circumstances, they have a right to ask the court to modify the existing court order. The modification hearing is used to hear the statements of both parties to determine whether or not a modification is warranted.

It is advisable to have a skilled family lawyer on your side when presenting your case in front of a judge at a child support modification hearing.

What to Expect at the Modification Hearing?

If a court scheduled a modification hearing to hear from you and the other parent, you would need to prepare for the hearing well in advance. Typically, the first thing you will do at the hearing is to present copies of your existing support order and child custody agreement.

The parent requesting a modification of child support will present their arguments in front of the judge to convince them to change the current order. They will also have an opportunity to present the necessary evidence and documentation to support their case.

The judge will also hear from the other parent who may either oppose or support the modification request. Many requests for child support modification are filed due to the payor’s loss of a job or substantial decrease in income. When that is the case, the payor will need to show evidence of an involuntary loss of a job or reduction in income. Both parties will also present documentation regarding their current level of income, such as pay stubs and tax returns.

After hearing both sides, the judge will decide whether or not to approve the request for modification. If the request is denied, the child support order in place will remain unchanged.

Requesting a modification of child support can be a time-consuming and complicated process, which is why it is vital to speak with a skilled attorney to help you convince the judge to approve your request for modification.

Schedule a case review with our experienced child support lawyer at Arwani Law Firm in Orlando to talk about your options and strengthen your case. Call 407-254-0060.

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