Orlando Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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Orlando Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer

Historically, prenuptial agreements have been given a bad rap as marriage insurance policies for the pessimistic and very wealthy. In reality, prenuptial agreements are very useful tools for any engaged couple wanting to agree before marriage how they will handle financial matters during their marriage and in the event it doesn’t work out. At the Arwani Law Firm PLLLC, our Orlando family attorneys have experience preparing, negotiating, and reviewing prenuptial agreements involving high assets, business interests, significant debt, and a range of other issues. We understand it can be scary to consider the legal and financial ramifications of marriage. Our Orlando prenuptial agreement lawyers can help you begin your marriage with confidence, knowing such issues have already been worked out and set aside.

Reasons for Executing a Prenuptial Agreement before Marriage

A prenuptial agreement (also referred to as a prenup, premarital agreement, and antenuptial agreement) is a contract between soon-to-be spouses which defines how they will handle their financial affairs and other potentially contentious issues during the marriage, and/or in the event of a future divorce or death of one of the spouses. Prenuptial agreements can be important to the stability of a marriage when one or both spouses:

  • Have significant assets or real estate holdings
  • Have retirement benefits and/or employment benefits
  • Have significant debt
  • Have a business or professional practice
  • Plan to go to school while the other spouse works
  • Wish to protect assets for children of a prior marriage
  • Anticipate a sizable inheritance in the future

Life is uncertain. A few years ago, you probably didn’t know you’d be engaged now and preparing to get married. Who knows what the future holds? That’s why it’s important to be prepared for events you cannot anticipate, and make clear your expectations, financial and otherwise, before you say “I do.” Signing a prenuptial agreement does not lead to divorce; rather it acknowledges that most marriages encounter some difficulties along the way. In fact, far from stirring up animosity, a prenuptial agreement promotes peace of mind during the marriage and fosters stability. For this reason, prenuptial agreements are not only for the wealthy. People from all walks of life can benefit from the security of a prenuptial agreement.

Florida Prenuptial Agreement Video FAQs

Can a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement decide future child support?

If drafted properly, a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement will protect you and will be binding. However, issues that will not be covered or protected in a prenup or a postnup is issues pertaining to children. Minor children. Child support, parenting plan, timesharing, is not going to be protected by a prenup or a postnup. It’s against public policy.

Can I change a prenuptial agreement after marriage?

Yes you can. What you have to do is enter into a post-nuptial agreement and attach it to your agreement at that point. Maybe talk to an attorney and look into how to draft the post-nuptial agreement after you guys get married and the changes that you are looking into.

Do I need a prenuptial agreement if I am getting married?

The reason that we would advise to look into a prenuptial agreement, or maybe talk to an attorney to see if that is something that you want to enter into, or have your fiancé maybe enter into with you, of course, at that point is to protect yourself. Protection is something that we always advise parties to think about at the time or before getting married.

A prenuptial agreement will protect your assets. You can determine at that point if alimony is something that either one of you is going to be entitled to, how the assets are going to split, what is marital, what is non-marital, and so on. You can even agree on attorney fees if maybe, let’s say, your spouse is going to contest that the prenuptial agreement at that point during a divorce. You can agree before getting married that if he contests it, then he will be the person, or she will be the person, paying those attorney fees.

How can a prenup protect my children?

A prenup cannot really protect your children because a prenup, you cannot pre-decide on issues to do with the children such as time-sharing, parenting plan or child support. A prenup may protect your children by limiting your liability and keeping your assets within your reach and outside the reach of your spouse.

How long does it take to get a prenuptial agreement?

A prenuptial agreement is a contract. Drafting a contract usually does not take that long. However, it all depends on your assets and exactly what you’re agreeing on. If you have a lot of assets and maybe assets located overseas, then it will take a bit longer than it would if you have assets within the state of Florida only.

What is a prenuptial agreement?

A prenuptial agreement is a contract between the parties. The prenuptial agreement is a contract that you will enter into prior to getting married. At the time that you enter into the agreement, you and your spouse will predetermine how to split your assets, your liabilities, and if alimony is something that either of you are going to be entitled to. The reason that all couples need to at least consider entering into a prenuptial agreement is because you never know what’s going to happen in the future. If you end up getting divorced, that will limit litigation, that will limit the amount of money you spend on attorneys and attorney fees, and so on.

Why should I get a prenuptial agreement?

The reason every couple needs to consider, at least, looking into a prenuptial agreement is for protection. Getting a prenuptial agreement, and if drafted correctly by an attorney, will protect your assets and maybe prevent you from carrying liability that you should not be carrying had you not had the prenuptial agreement for protection. Another thing to think about is what if your assets increase in value to a certain degree that your spouse is not entitled to that asset had you not had the prenuptial agreement in place. So the main reason is for protection.

Talk to an experienced Orlando family lawyer about how a prenuptial agreement can be a strong foundation for your marriage.

There’s no doubt getting married is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life. One reason it’s so exciting is because it’s a huge, life-changing decision, and everyone can agree that you can’t be shortsighted when making long-term commitments. If you are interested in learning more about how a prenuptial agreement can work as a strong foundation for your marriage, please schedule a consultation with an Orlando prenuptial agreement lawyer from the Arwani Law Firm .

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