Orlando Collaborative Divorce Lawyer Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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Orlando Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

Many individuals contemplating divorce in Florida have concerns that the proceedings will be hostile, time-consuming, and expensive. While this may be true in some cases, more couples are embracing the benefits of collaborative law as a strategy for resolving divorce-related issues. Guided by attorneys, the parties engage in productive conversation and cooperation to reach agreement on matters that they would normally work out in court. Survey results reported by the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals reveal that collaborative divorce works, as 86 percent of cases ended in full resolution. Plus, almost 80 percent of couples completed the process in less than one year.

 If a collaborative law approach to divorce may be an option for your situation, our team at the Arwani Law Firm can explain the details and advise you in making informed decisions. Our lawyers advocate on behalf of clients throughout Central Florida, so we are prepared to protect your interests. Please contact us to set up a consultation with an Orlando collaborative divorce lawyer, and check out a helpful overview of the process. 

Objectives of Collaborative Law

The process of divorce through collaboration removes the “fight to win” mindset, and instead focuses on identifying and resolving areas of contention. Initially, each party will conduct an in-depth consultation with their respective lawyers to discuss divorce-related issues and goals. Then, spouses and their attorneys meet together with a facilitator who oversees the proceedings and guides them through productive conversation. Instead of battling out their differences in court, the goal of collaborative law is amicable agreement.

If you do compromise on all key issues, the lawyers will draft the agreement and enter the order as a simple, uncontested divorce. When there are outstanding disputes, you can still agree through a partial order and have a judge decide remaining issues. You should note that, if litigation is necessary, the attorneys who participated in the collaborative divorce process are usually required to withdraw.

Resolving Divorce Issues Through Collaborative Law

Parties can address the same matters through collaborative law as they would in court. Our team at the Arwani Law Firm will assist with: 

  1. Property Division: You and your spouse can discuss how to divide such assets as your home, vehicles, bank and investment accounts, interests in a business, and many others.
  2. Alimony: If it would be appropriate for one party to receive spousal support, you can reach agreement on the type, amount, and duration through collaborative divorce.
  3. Issues Related to Minor Children: Custody, visitation, and support are suitable topics for collaborative divorce, but keep in mind that the child’s best interests standard applies. Your agreement on the key areas of raising the child must comply with the factors designated by Florida law.

Discuss Your Options with an Orlando Collaborative Law Attorney

For more information on collaborative law and an assessment on whether it would be suitable for your divorce, please contact the Arwani Law Firm. We can schedule a consultation to review your circumstances and determine the best way to proceed with your case.

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