Three Reasons To Consider Mediation For Your Gray Divorce

When spouses aged 50 and above get divorced, it is called a gray divorce. While the overall divorce rate in America has flattened for most age groups over the years, divorce cases among older Americans are increasing. This is according to research. According to data from the National Center for Health Statistics and U.S. Census Bureau, divorce cases among adults aged 50 and above have doubled since the 1900s. In 1990, 5 divorced for every 1,000 married couples aged 50 and above, whereas, in 2015, for every 1,000 married couples aged 50 and above, 10 divorced.
If you are facing a gray divorce, it might not be clear which option you should choose. While every divorce case is different, one of the options that might be suitable for you as an older adult is divorce mediation. Mediation is a voluntary process that involves divorcing couples working with a trained divorce mediator to reach an agreement.
Reasons To Consider Mediation for Your Gray Divorce
If you are about to get a gray divorce, it is best that you speak to a qualified divorce attorney who can help you determine the best way to handle your case. That said, one of the options that might be favorable to you is divorce mediation. Divorce mediation is a popular option among the young and the old, but its benefits can be more attractive to older people.
So, why should you consider divorce mediation for your gray divorce? The following are some of the reasons to consider mediation for your Florida gray divorce:
Reason #1: It Is Cost-effective
How much it costs to go through divorce mediation will depend on the specifics of your case, but the reality is that divorce mediation is usually less expensive than litigation. As an older citizen, you are probably already out of the workforce or will probably be out soon. If you spend a lot of money on your divorce, you may not have enough time to recover financially. It can take years to recover financially after getting divorced through divorce court.
Reason #2: It Can Save You Time
Please do not take this to mean that you should rush through your divorce. But the fact is that when you go to divorce court, it can take a long time for your divorce case to be finalized. A litigated divorce can take up to years to be finalized. As an older person, you most likely do not want to waste precious time with the divorce process. If this is true, mediation may be an efficient choice for you.
Reason #3: It Can Be Less Stressful
The primary goal of mediation is for both spouses to communicate and work together to reach a mutually-beneficial divorce agreement. The mediation sessions include the neutral mediator guiding the negotiations and helping spouses communicate and work together. As a person aged 50 or above, you are likely dealing with issues such as supporting your children (and maybe grandchildren), aging parents who require your care, and a demanding job. Mediation can offer you a peaceful divorce process and prevent additional stress.
Contact an Orlando Divorce Lawyer
If you are facing a gray divorce, it is crucial that you avoid making any crucial decisions without first consulting a lawyer. Our Orlando divorce lawyers are here for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.