Do I Have To Hire A Child Support Lawyer In Florida? Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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Do I Have To Hire A Child Support Lawyer In Florida?


If you are dealing with a child support action in Florida, you may be wondering whether you have to hire a lawyer. So, do you have to hire a child support lawyer in Florida? There is no requirement in Florida for you to hire a child support lawyer. In Florida, individuals have the right to self-representation in court in both criminal and family law proceedings. With that said, it is advisable for you to hire a child support lawyer.

Below is a look at five reasons why you should consider hiring a child support lawyer in Florida;

Professional Help

Child support cases can be complex. You may not understand child support guidelines. Fortunately, an attorney can help you. Child support lawyers have been trained to deal with child support matters. They know all the processes and procedures involved in child support cases. A child support lawyer can offer you professional help and help you handle the complexities of your child support case.


When you partner with an experienced and dedicated Florida child support lawyer, you gain a valuable advocate who can advocate for your rights and those of your child throughout the process. It can be hard to know if your legal rights and those of your child are being honored because of all the stress that comes with dealing with a child support case. For instance, an attorney can ensure the court takes into account all matters of your case before making a final decision.

The Other Parent May Have a Lawyer

The chances are, your child’s or children’s other parent has a lawyer by their side. If they have a child support lawyer, it means they have someone on their side who understands the processes and procedures involved in child support cases. If you choose to represent yourself yet the other parent has a lawyer, it means they will have an advantage over you. When you are struggling to understand the procedures and processes, your ex’s attorney will be busy presenting information to support their side of their case. You don’t want to be in such a situation.

Help With Calculations

A child support lawyer understands what information is used to calculate child support. A lawyer can ensure you provide accurate information that will ensure the amount ordered is a fair amount. An attorney can ensure you are not asked to pay too much money or awarded an amount that won’t enable you to care for your child(ren).

Save Money

When a child support lawyer ensures you are not asked to pay too much money, they help you save money. If you are ordered to pay too much money, it means you will end up spending a substantial amount of money over the duration of your child support order.

Schedule a Consultation With an Orlando Child Support Lawyer

If you need help with your child support case, don’t hesitate to contact Arwani Law Firm. Our skilled and dedicated Orlando child support attorneys can help you navigate the complexities of your child support case. We can ensure your rights, and those of your child are honored throughout your case.


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