Intervention From Domestic Violence Attorneys More Necessary | Orlando Domestic Violence Lawyers Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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Current Administration Is Making Intervention from Domestic Violence Attorneys More and More Necessary In Order To Protect Victims


More and more attorneys who assist domestic violence victims in family law situations are very clearly needed regarding the new policies implemented by the current administration, which has not only reportedly ruled against helping domestic violence victims abroad, but is also now arguably creating a hostile environment for women who are in the process of bringing domestic violence against their (abusive) spouse or child’s parent here in the U.S.

Specifically, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have already arrested a number of immigrant women and their children at courthouses around the country, all while these families are in the process of preparing to bring domestic violence cases against the children’s other (allegedly abusive) parent.  Many are now understandably concerned that these arrests not only undermine law enforcement’s ability to protect communities from crime, but also will also ultimately discourage abuse victims from seeking the legal protections that save many lives each year.

Civil & Human Rights Concerns

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently barred foreign abuse victims from claiming domestic abuse as a viable reason to obtain asylum in the U.S. As legal experts have pointed out, these policies are not only reflective of an administration that lacks integrity in immigration enforcement, but also has little regard for civil and human rights when it comes to the most vulnerable population with few resources, which is usually women and children. These enforcement practices have also been found to discourage victims from seeking assistance from law enforcement.

The ultimate message sent is that immigrant lives are simply worth less than those of U.S. citizens are when it comes to protection from domestic violence.

Existing Programs Are Not Enough

According to statistics, one in three American women and one in four men experience some form of physical abuse from an intimate partner in their lifetime. Too frequently, this abuse is dismissed, especially where domestic violence is pervasive in general and there are not enough legal protections in place guarding against it. In the U.S., while there are some protections in place for non-citizen victims of domestic abuse, unfortunately, these same protections are not designed to also address the issue of having to seek legal protection from assault while also potentially facing deportation. The “U visa,” for example, allows victims of domestic abuse to remain in the U.S. while they obtain legal assistance from an attorney, but does nothing to bar those who have a pending application under review from being deported.

Speak With an Experienced Domestic Violence Attorney

If you live in Florida and are the victim of domestic violence, know that there are laws to protect you. Contact our Orlando domestic violence lawyers at the Arwani Law Firm, PLLC today if you have questions or need to discuss obtaining a protection order to protect yourself and your family.


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