Why Do Some Divorces Take So Long To Resolve? Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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Why Do Some Divorces Take So Long To Resolve?


Divorces can be stressful and difficult. The situation can get even more frustrating if the divorce process is prolonged. In Florida, a divorce can take a few weeks, a few months, and sometimes even a year or more. One question many people ask during divorce is, “Why do some divorces take so long to resolve?” Every divorce case is unique, meaning there are countless reasons why a divorce may take longer to finalize. However, there are some common reasons why some divorces take longer than others. This article discusses some of the common reasons why some divorces take so long to resolve.

#1: Contested Issues

Florida permits uncontested divorces. An uncontested divorce is when both spouses agree on all divorce-related issues, including property division, alimony, timesharing, and child support. However, sometimes, spouses cannot agree on some or all the issues. When spouses cannot agree on some or all the divorce-related issues, it can prolong the divorce process. If spouses cannot agree on issues such as alimony, property division, or timesharing, the court will require that evidence be presented at multiple hearings before making decisions. This can take time.

#2: The Court’s Calendar Is Busy

If spouses are unable to resolve all or some of their divorce-related issues outside of court, they may need to go to trial. If a divorce case proceeds to court, the court’s calendar can significantly impact how long it takes to resolve the case. A busy court calendar can be a major obstacle for spouses looking to get divorced quickly. It can be challenging to get a court date if the court’s calendar is busy. Also, filing motions and receiving rulings may take longer due to the busy court calendar.

#3: Discovery

Discovery is a common part of the Florida divorce process. It involves each side requesting, gathering, and producing divorce-related evidence and information. The discovery process can involve interrogations, requests for the production of documents, and depositions. This process can be time-consuming. The discovery process can also take long if one party is unwilling to comply.

#4: Assets That Are Difficult To Value

When spouses have complex assets that are difficult to value, the more time it can take to determine the value of the marital estate. Examples of complex divorce assets include investment accounts, pensions, royalties, intellectual property, family-held businesses, and stocks. Additionally, if there are disputes over what constitutes marital property or someone tries to hide property, the divorce process could take longer.

#5: Continuances

A continuance arises when a scheduled proceeding or hearing is delayed or postponed. One party or even the court can request a continuance. There are several reasons for requesting continuances. For example, a spouse may request a continuance if they need more time to prepare or gather evidence. Other common reasons for continuances include the illness of a spouse, a lawyer, or the judge; an attorney needing more information to represent you; multiple court listings for an attorney on the day of your hearing or proceeding, etc. Requesting a continuance adds extra time to the divorce process.

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