Tips For Properly Answering Questions During Your Divorce Deposition
There are many steps in the divorce process, including the deposition stage. A deposition may be necessary during the discovery process of your divorce proceedings. A deposition is a sworn statement taken outside of court. It is used to gain information that is relevant to the case. Usually, depositions are held in the office of the lawyer requesting testimony. However, a deposition can occur in another place, such as the court reporter’s office. It is crucial that after you find out you are required to attend a deposition, you prepare thoroughly. For example, take time to understand what kind of questions are usually asked during divorce depositions and how to answer the questions properly. This article shares some tips for properly answering questions during your divorce deposition.
Tip #1: Tell the Truth
One of the most crucial things to remember during your divorce deposition is to be completely honest. If you lie, your lies can be used against you in court. Lying could hurt your credibility with the court. Additionally, lying during your divorce deposition could result in you facing criminal charges, as lying under oath is a criminal offense. In Florida, the crime of perjury (making a false statement under oath in an official proceeding) is taken quite seriously.
Tip #2: Ensure You Understand the Question Before Answering
Before you answer a question, make sure you understand it. Do your best to slow your mind down and listen to each word of the question. If you don’t understand a question, you should politely ask your spouse’s attorney to repeat or rephrase it.
Tip #3: Do Not Guess
If you don’t know the answer to a question or are unsure about the answer to a question, don’t be scared to say, “I don’t know,” or “I am not sure.” You should avoid guessing answers to questions. Providing inaccurate statements or misinformation is not advisable and can lead to trouble.
Tip #4: Do Not Give Unresponsive Answers
During your divorce deposition, you should avoid evading questions or giving answers that are unrelated to the question. For example, do not answer a question with another question. While this may be okay when conversing with a friend or family member, it is not okay in a legal setting. Only give responsive answers and answer questions to the best of your ability.
Tip #5: Avoid Volunteering Information
When answering a question posed by your spouse’s lawyer, you need to be honest. However, you do not need to go on and on about a subject. Volunteering information is not necessary. Sharing information that your spouse’s attorney did not ask for is unnecessary. If the attorney wants more information, they will ask you for it.
Tip #6: Do Not React Angrily
Finally, regardless of what kind of question you get asked, do not react angrily. You will be asked questions that may upset you, but it is crucial that you avoid exposing yourself as a person who can’t control their emotions. If need be, practice keeping your emotions under control before your deposition.
Contact an Orlando Divorce Lawyer
At The Arwani Law Firm, our Orlando divorce lawyers are here to help you during the divorce process. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.