Strategies You Can Use To Support Your Child During Divorce Orlando Divorce Lawyer
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Strategies You Can Use To Support Your Child During Divorce


Divorce can be difficult not only for the divorcing parties but also for children. Children may experience a lot of emotions during divorce. Your child may feel angry, sad, confused, or even guilty. If you are a parent going through a divorce, you may be worried about the effect of the divorce on your child. Fortunately, there are ways to support your child through divorce and help them transition. This article discusses seven practical and workable ways to support your child through divorce.

  1. Maintain Open Communication

One of the most vital things you can do as a parent going through a divorce is to maintain open communication with your child. Constantly remind your child that they can talk to you about anything. Ensure your child knows they can speak to you about their feelings and concerns and ask you any questions they may have, and they can do so without fear of being judged or criticized.

  1. Remind Your Child That They Are Not To Blame

Sometimes, children blame themselves for their parents’ divorce. You need to constantly remind your child that they are not to blame for your divorce. Explain to your child that there is nothing that they did that caused you and your spouse to break up. Sometimes, children believe they could have done something to prevent the divorce. Your child needs to know that there was nothing that they could have done to prevent the breakup from happening.

  1. Don’t Let Out Your Emotions on Your Child

During divorce, you are bound to experience a lot of emotions. You May feel angry, disappointed, and many other negative emotions. You need to be careful about how you communicate with your child. Control what you say to your child and how you say it.

  1. Maintain a Routine

It is essential that during divorce, you keep routines as normal as possible. Try to keep schedules such as bedtimes and meal times as regular as possible. Your child will feel safe and more confident if they have structure and stability, or in other words, if they know what to expect.

  1. Avoid Involving Your Child in Your Disagreements

Disagreements are bound to arise between you and the other parent during divorce. As mentioned already, divorce can be difficult. However, you need to avoid arguing in front of your child or involving them in your arguments. Arguing in front of your child or involving them in your disagreements can create anxiety and emotional distress in your child.

  1. Reassure Your Child That They Will Not Lose the Other Parent

Your child may be scared that divorce means they will lose the other parent. Emphasize that they will not lose their other parent, and you and the other parent will continue loving them. Have a conversation with your child and reassure them that, although they will no longer be living with both parents, each parent will spend quality time with them.

  1. Seek Professional Help

If the divorce process gets overwhelming or you feel unsure about how to support your child, do not hesitate to seek professional help. For example, you can seek the assistance of a therapist or counselor.

Contact Us for Legal Guidance

If you are going through a Florida divorce, contact our qualified Orlando divorce lawyers at The Arwani Law Firm for legal help.

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