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Social Media And Divorce Cases


The following article will discuss the role that social media plays in divorce cases and will provide some helpful tips regarding the use of social media by divorcing spouses in these cases.

How can social media be used in divorce cases?

Social media is frequently used as evidence in divorce cases. Social media can be presented in court to show proof of infidelity (for example, pictures or videos that offer proof of an affair). In turn, proof of infidelity can negatively impact the awarding of alimony. Social media evidence can also be used to show proof of a spouse who is hiding assets (for example, if there are pictures or statements on social media which refer to these assets). Lastly, social media evidence can also be admitted to show that a spouse is unfit as a parent (for example, if it shows the spouse doing drugs or drinking alcohol around the children.

Tips for using social media during divorce cases

The following section will provide some tips for dealing with social media during a divorce case.

  1. Don’t rely solely on privacy settings. Individuals who are going through divorce should assume that people who they do not actually intend to see their posts will see the posts and should proceed with using social media under this assumption. You should note that your posts may be reposted to a friend’s page where other people can view them. Furthermore, Additionally, the other spouse may gain access to your “private” information by duplicating a profile of a friend, creating a fake profile, or logging onto a friend’s social media profile.
  2. Be careful about what you post. Divorcing spouses must be very mindful about what they post., as anything they say can be taken out of context. It is important to note that any information you post can be discovered during a divorce proceeding. Spouses should avoid posting any type of video or image that could be used against them and ask friends and family to do the same.
  3. Resist the urge to vent on social media. Due to the public nature of social media, you should resist the urge to vent about the divorce process. Many online friends may not actually be that trustworthy and may reveal shared information to the other spouse. Additionally, you should avoid disparaging the other spouse on social media.
  4. Limit your overall time on social media. Good advice for handling social media in divorce cases is to unplug sometimes. You may even want to consider temporarily closing your social media accounts, as spending too much time on social media may be used against you in a divorce court proceeding.

Contact Our Orlando Firm For All Of Your Divorce Needs

If you are contemplating divorce, you should contact Arwani Law Firm today. Our experienced Orlando family attorneys will provide assistance throughout the entire process and answer any questions you may have along the way.


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