Arwani Law Firm

Orlando Same-Sex Divorce Lawyer

Orlando Same-Sex Divorce Lawyer

Same-sex couples in Florida rejoiced when the US legal process worked in their favor to recognize marriage, opening the door to the rights that heterosexual spouses share. However, along with the right to get married, homosexual couples must also be prepared for the very real possibility of divorce. Marriages can break down just as often, which means you may need to address property division, alimony, and issues related to minor children.

Though divorce is never an easy process, it’s good to know that Florida laws protect the interests of same-sex couples. Still, you should also realize the need for an experienced attorney. At the Arwani Law Firm, our team is prepared to represent you throughout the proceedings and address certain issues that are unique to homosexual couples. Please call us to set up an appointment with an Orlando same-sex divorce lawyer, and read on for a summary of the relevant laws.

Same-Sex Divorce Process in Florida

For the most part, divorce laws, issues, and proceedings apply to homosexual couples just as they do for heterosexuals. You must live in Florida for at least six months, either spouse can file, and there’s no need to prove fault. From there, the process will generally flow as follows:

Issues to Address in Same-Sex Divorce

Our attorneys at the Arwani Law Firm can offer advice and counsel on all components of a divorce case, whether you’d like to work out a compromise or must go to court for a determination. The key issues are:

You Can Rely on Our Orlando, FL Same-Sex Divorce Lawyers

Though the divorce laws are generally no different for same-sex couples, there can be complicated issues that arise during the process. As such, it’s important to have skilled legal counsel on your side. For more information, please contact the Arwani Law Firm to speak to an Orlando same-sex divorce attorney. We can schedule a consultation to review your circumstances and provide personalized information on your case.

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