Florida Child Support: 6 Dos And Don’ts

It is every parent’s responsibility to provide financial support to their children. That is why, when parents get a divorce, the court orders child support payments. During a divorce, Florida child support guidelines are used to determine a fair amount that a parent should pay. And usually, the higher-income parent will pay child support to the lower-income parent.
The issue of child support often causes disagreements between parents. Parents may try to reduce payments or get out of paying child support through certain inappropriate actions. On the other hand, the parent receiving child support payments may take inappropriate steps when the obligor parent fails to make payments. As a parent making or receiving child support payments, it is crucial that you avoid taking certain actions. The following are some of the actions parents should take and avoid taking in regard to child support.
Do Make Partial Child Support Payments if You Cannot Pay the Full Amount.
As the obligor parent, you could get in trouble with the law if you fail to meet your child support obligations. If you cannot afford to make full child support payments for whatever reason, you should make partial payments. Making partial payments shows you are putting in the effort to be a responsible parent. And if your child’s other parent claims that you haven’t been making payments, the partial payments you’ve been making may prove important.
Don’t Quit Your Job To Reduce Child Support Payments
Sometimes parents quit their jobs to reduce child support payments or get out of paying child support altogether. You should avoid doing this as it might only worsen your financial situation. If you are voluntarily unemployed, the court may impute income to you. If you intentionally quit your job, you might find that you still have to pay child support based on your earned income, with fewer or no resources to make the payment.
Do Maintain Payment Records
If you are the obligor parent, it is advisable that you avoid paying cash. For example, you can use checks. Each time you make a payment, ensure you keep a record of the payment. If you are the parent receiving payments, keep a record of all payments made to you.
Don’t Prevent the Obligor Parent From Seeing Their Child Due to Non-payment
If your child’s other parent refuses to make child support payments, do not prevent them from seeing their child. A judge may hold you in contempt of court if you do this. The courts do not take it lightly when a parent prevents a child from having regular contact with their other parent, even if that parent falls behind in child support payments.
Do Request a Child Support Modification if a Substantial Change Occurs
If a substantial change in circumstances renders it impossible for you to continue making full child support payments, it is crucial that you request a child support modification. For example, if you are laid off, or you experience a health issue, you should take action to modify child support.
Don’t Move to a Different State To Escape Paying Child Support
You cannot escape paying child support by relocating to a different state since a child support order entered in one state is enforceable in any other state.
Contact an Orlando Child Support Lawyer
If you need to speak to a qualified Florida child support attorney, contact our Orlando child support attorneys at the Arwani Law Firm.