Domestic Violence Against Men

Unlike what most people think, women are not the only ones who experience domestic violence. Men, too, can be victims of domestic violence. While in most of the reported domestic violence cases, women are the victims, the reality is that domestic violence against men is quite common. Unfortunately, domestic violence against men poses a serious threat to victims. However, the good news is that domestic violence laws protect both men and women equally.
What Is Domestic Violence?
Every state has a different definition of the term “domestic violence.” But generally, domestic violence covers a variety of violent acts committed by a family or household member against another family or household member. In the state of Florida, the law defines domestic violence as any stalking, assault, false imprisonment, battery, or any crime resulting in bodily injury or death of a family or household member by another family or household member.
However, domestic violence can take other forms, including emotional and verbal abuse. Usually, the aggressor has a need to control their victim. They may use hurtful, intimidating words and behaviors to control their victim.
Recognizing Domestic Violence Against Men
Often, men fall victim to domestic violence in a verbal or emotional sense. However, more and more men are being physically abused.
It is vital you know how to recognize if you are going through domestic violence as a man. If you are experiencing any other following things, then you are likely a victim of domestic violence;
- You are being insulted and called names that are meant to put you down
- You are barred from going to school or work
- You are being threatened with violence or a weapon
- You are being hit, kicked, shoved, slapped, choked, or otherwise hurt
- Your children or pets are being hit, kicked, punched, choked, or otherwise hurt
- Your finances are being controlled
There are many more things men go through that constitute domestic violence. All in all, it is important to keep in mind that both men and women can perpetrate domestic violence against men.
Why Is Domestic Violence Against Men Underreported?
Knowing exactly how many people experience domestic violence is challenging because so many cases of domestic violence are not reported. However, it is especially challenging to know the number of men who experience domestic violence.
So, why do men choose not to report domestic violence? The reason could be because of the stigma that men who admit to falling victim to domestic violence are weak. Or, perhaps. men do not report domestic violence for fear of being arrested.
What Should You Do if You Are a Victim of Domestic Violence?
Even as a man, it is crucial that you take violence against you seriously, even if the one abusing you is a woman. You should tell someone about what you are going through. Do not feel embarrassed.
If the abuse does not stop, you can consider petitioning the court for a domestic violence injunction. An attorney can help you if it gets to a point where you need a restraining order.
Contact an Orlando, FL Domestic Violence Lawyer
You can reach an Orlando domestic violence lawyer at the Arwani Law Firm by calling 407-254-0060.